It's another freezing day in Denver, Colorado where snow and rain just continue to fall and then melt within 24 hours. It's crazy how weather here changes so fast. So as I have ample amount of time to write Kenya support thank you's, finish graduate school essays, blog, hopefully write a newsletter, and catch up on some rest I wanted to discuss a few things today because they have been on my mind a lot recently and their on the topics of Crossfit and eating Healthily.
I cannot express how my journey with Crossfit has not only allowed me to experience more joy in my workouts and training, but also provided me with what counselors call "self-care." The other day someone asked me how do I have the energy to go from a physical demanding job to doing these insane workouts? Well my training has become my way of release and pushing myself to new and exciting limits!
Just this week, I started feeling like my body was telling me to do more. Now that could be because I've had the last 2 days off from work, but this feeling is so rewarding and exhilarating when you can go from sprinting 400meters in 4 rounds of a METCON (Metabolic Conditioning) to a strength WOD of doing Olympic weight lifting movements.
The bit that I love about Crossfit is that it not only trains you to be extremely fit to lift and do some pretty cool movements, but it also trains you to do other things. It's Cross-training. For example, O and I have started attending a kick boxing class at our gym. It's only once a week, but because we do Crossfit and supplement our training with running workouts, we are finding ourselves being able to punch and kick harder every week, as well as push the group when it comes to sprints and mobility, AND we can enjoy the class rather than hate it. Our kick boxing coach, Gigi, has loved our enthusiasm and spunk in the class that she has requested us to participate in her other classes to add another level of intensity to the group.
Below is a pic with one of my WOD's that is killed me, with the latest music selection that is rocking my workouts (OneRepublic's new album) and how much time I had left. It was legit and if you don't believe me, try it and let me know. Here's also a pic of how legit O is getting with her tire squats!
The other part that Crossfit has allowed me to be cross-functional is my journey with yoga. When I added this to my weekly schedule it was all because I am not flexible at ALL. I have never been able to touch my feet when I bend over. It's bad. So I originally started for that reason, and the other day our instructor showed us a strength and balance move (frog to crow to plank, without letting your feet touching the floor) and two months ago I never would have believed that I could do such a move. Well... now I am able to do it a couple times easily! So sweet!
Alright so that's my Crossfit bit. Onto diet and health. If you guys didn't watch this past season of the Biggest Loser on NBC, you really need to go to Hulu or Netflix and see what is happening in our society. I'll be honest, the biggest culture shock that I've had coming back to the US is how few fit people there are today! It's just shocking and the Biggest Loser gave America a wake up call.
Besides getting their contestants fit, looking good, and sharing weight losing secrets, they attacked the reality that child obesity is real and for the first time, we have a generation that won't outlive their parents.Which is insane to me!
To give you an idea how O and I made our very limited budget, our priorities are: 1) housing/rent, 2) food, 3) gas to get from point A to point B, and 4) gym membership. Since we are still in transition and are in an amazing "God Send" situation with a host family that has blessed us in so many ways during our short time in CO we haven't had to deal with the rent item just yet. When it comes to food, we do live on a short weekly budget. We spend around $100 a week on groceries from King Super and Sprouts! Talk about budgeting. Now my wife is one of the best people I have ever met when it comes to budgeting. So what is her secret? Well O goes to King Supers and Sprouts websites before we go to the store and looks at what is on sale. Over the last several years she has built a recipe bank through her collection of Jamie Oliver books, The Homesick Texan, and other such books, as well as have a plethora of blogs and pinterest ideas.
From there she builds our menu for the week and then it's off shopping. So let's be clear that one of the major reasons that I'm seeing such amazing results in my training is because O is so committed to making sure that we get plenty of proteins, good fats, fruits, and vegetables. One thing that we have found together since being back in the US is that both of us react to glutten products. We have started buying glutten free bread, snacks, and I cannot tell you how much a difference we feel/experience.
For the tacos all I sauteed was chicken, 1-yellow pepper, beans, a hint of garlic, and of course cilantro! and it was awesome! You can see in the pic above that it looks appetizing.
So there you go. Hope you guys have a great day wherever you are in the world under whatever circumstances. Remember life is a journey, not a destination, and our choices we make are not isolated decions about the here and now, but about who and what we will serve now and in the future!
Cheers guys!
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